Candidate Listing for 2022 General Election

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  • You can narrow your search results for candidates by county. A search by county will provide a list of candidates running for offices for which all or a portion of the geographical area represented by the office is located in that county. For information on county or municipal candidates, please contact your local Supervisor of Elections.


United States Senator
Candidate Status Primary General
De La Fuente, Ricardo  (DEM) Defeated Eliminated  
Demings, Val  (DEM) Defeated Won Eliminated
Ekpete, Uloma Uma (WRI) Defeated   Eliminated
Grant, Steven B. (NPA) Defeated   Eliminated
Gray, Edward A. (WRI) Defeated   Eliminated
Knepper, Howard  (WRI) Defeated   Eliminated
Misigoy, Dennis  (LPF) Defeated Unopposed Eliminated
Nguyen, Tuan TQ (NPA) Defeated   Eliminated
Quiles, Moses  (WRI) Defeated   Eliminated
Rubio, Marco  (REP) Elected Unopposed Won
Rush, Brian  (DEM) Defeated Eliminated  
Sanchez, William  (DEM) Defeated Eliminated