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Article II, Section 7

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Establishes that before a local government may adopt a new comprehensive land use plan, or amend a comprehensive land use plan, the proposed plan or amendment shall be subject to vote of the electors of the local government by referendum, following preparation by the local planning agency, consideration by the governing body and notice. Provides definitions.

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Florida Hometown Democracy, Inc., PAC
Post Office Box 636
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170-0000
(866) 779-5513
  Contact: Lesley G. Blackner, Chairperson

Statewide total needed for judicial and financial impact review (signed by 25% of voters required by s. 3, Art. XI of the State Constitution in one-half of the congressional districts): 67,683 
Statewide total needed to make ballot position (signed by 8% of the voters in at least one-half of Florida's congressional districts and in the state as whole as of the last presidential election): 676,811 
Signatures expired prior to ballot position. (Signatures are valid from date made and up until next February 1, occurring in an even-number year for the purpose of the amendment appearing on the ballot, provided all requirements are met. Signatures do not expire once ballot position is made): 68,074 
Statewide total currently valid: 643,768*
Congressional district totals needed for judicial and economic reviews and ballot placement, with currently valid signatures: View by District by County
*Statewide and congressional district totals for ballot position are NOT OFFICAL until the Secretary of State determines the requisite signatures have been obtained and issues a certificate of ballot position. Once an initiative petition is certified for ballot position, total currently valid may exceed the official totals at time of certification. For status on ballot position, see Status Table below.
To find out the signature threshold required in each Congressional District for review and ballot position, the current number of verified signatures in each Congressional District by county, and how many Congressional Districts may have met or exceeded signature thresholds, click the link above titled "View by District by County".

Status: Defeated
Approval Date: 06/21/2005 
Undue Burden:  
Made Review: 01/23/2006 
Attorney General: 01/26/2006 
Sent to Supreme Court: 02/01/2006 
Supreme Court Ruling: Constitutional :  Complies with the single-subject requirement of article XI, Sec 3 of the FL Const, and the ballot title & summary comply with sec. 101.161(1).  
SC Ruling Date: 09/14/2006 
Made Ballot: 06/22/2009 
Ballot Number: 4  
Election Date: 11/02/2010 
 Votes For: 1,682,177   
 Votes Against: 3,424,204   

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