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Second Gas Tax

Article XII, Section 9

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Proposing an amendment to Section 9 of Article XII of the State Constitution replacing the 40-year limitation on the use of the "second gas tax" to finance bonds for roads with a 40-year limitation upon the bonds secured and payable by revenues from the tax. Proposing to authorize counties to utilize such revenues for road maintenance as authorized by law rather than just for the acquisition or construction of roads. Proposing to allow the use of revenues other than those from the tax and pledged tolls to pay bonds secured by the tax. Proposing to include within the formula used to determine the debt service requirements on such bonds legally available pledged revenues other than those from the tax and from tolls.

The Florida Legislature

Status: Passed
Made Ballot:  
Ballot Number: 5  
Election Date: 11/04/1980 
 Votes For: 1,498,801   
 Votes Against: 1,195,483   

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